
“The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order”

     -Toni Morrison

We fall apart so often,

Unfold and wilt.

Shatter into a million, uncollectable pieces.

Through a lack of:

Trust, {Reliability}

Love, {Endearment}

Attention, {Awareness}

Understanding, {Compassion}


But the beauty of falling apart is putting the shattered pieces back together,

Take the brilliant reds, {a result of failed love}

dull blues {a product of sleepless nights and overthinking}


Vibrant greens {the result of a failed attempt of renewal}


paint a picture.

A mosaic of once foreign, misunderstood characteristics comes together to resemble a beautiful collision of the:

moon and sun,

Of the dark and bright.

The tortoise and the hare,

Of the wise and rash.

The peacock and the pigeon,

Of the beautiful and the dull.


From the folds of your brain, bring forth the greatest artist, entrust with time a paintbrush, a pallet of:

soft pinks (a lack of inner peace).

vibrant yet gentle purples, (a lack of nobility).

whites the color of snow, (an attempt at being once again a pure slate).

browns like the earth, (a lack of dependability).

yellow like the marigolds on your table.


Allow the artist to wander free.

Let them paint a picture.

With the aid of my words let the image form.


Let your brown mix with your gentle purples.

(let the dependability intermingle with the nobility)

The soft pinks with the dull blues.

(the lack of inner peace with your sleepless and thought-filled nights)

Your vibrant greens with your whites.

(the failed attempt of renewal with the attempt of once again being renewed)


Lets your mistakes and your ill traits mix

stand back and admire

Admire how far you have come

Admire your bravery and your courage


Lets this piece be for you a reminder:

Transform mistakes into lovely forms of arts, pieces that you can be proud of.

Learn to mix the bright with the dull.

Learn to trust the artist in your brain, the one who guides you with the gentle stroke of their brush.

Let the artist paint for you a world you so desire.

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4 Comments Add yours

  1. bluesoilder4210 says:

    Dear Zabu-E ,

    Wow this piece was amazing! I loved the contrast of the dark and the light and the whole picking up the pieces bit was amazing. I loved how you put in the time to put in the meaning of the colors that really put a new element to your poem.

    I myself aren’t so good with poems so I don’t have much that would be good advise on how to make this piece better but I would put in other things like another person and their perspective on the whole getting better thing.

    I really loved this piece I think it had a great message , good job with it!



  2. kayla967 says:


    This was such a beautiful poem! I didn’t really know what to expect since this was the first time I read your writing, but I was definitely pleasantly surprised. I though your use of different brackets was really creative and it helped make this piece special.
    I don’t really have anything you could improve on, keep up the great work! 🙂


    1. zabu118 says:

      Thank you so much for your feedback Iqra!

      I am super glad you enjoyed my piece! I was hesitating as to whether or not I should post it. I will definitely take your feedback into account!

      Thank you for your kind words,

    2. zabu118 says:

      Thank you, Kayla!
      I appreciate you taking the time to read my piece. I am super glad that you liked it. I admire your writing style and thus was pleasantly surprised that you liked mine!


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